Knife & Tool Sharpening From Basics for Beginners to Advanced Methods

  • Seasonal Guide to Sharpening Around The Home

    Keeping your tools sharp is crucial for ensuring their optimal performance and extending their lifespan. Different seasons bring about various tasks and activities, each demanding specific tools to be in top-notch condition. In this excerpt, we provide a categorized list of items that require sharpening based on the seasons they are commonly used or need maintenance. 

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  • Circular Saw Blade Sharpening. Is it worth it??

    Circular Saw Blade Sharpening. Is it worth it??

    Circular saw blades are essential tools in woodworking and construction, but they can lose their sharpness over time. This blog post explores the question of whether sharpening circular saw blades is worth it. It examines various factors to consider, including cost, time efficiency, cutting performance, and blade longevity. Sharpening can extend blade lifespan, enhance cutting performance, and promote sustainability. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual needs and circumstances.
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  • A Beginner's Guide to Knife Sharpening

    A Beginner's Guide to Knife Sharpening

    This is intended to help you get started sharpening knives on a 1X30 belt sander, such as the popular Harbor Freight 1X30 Belt Sander. Most of the information below can also be applied to other belt sanding machines. 
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  • Sharpening Edge Trailing vs Sharpening Edge Leading

    Sharpening Edge Trailing vs Sharpening Edge Leading

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    When I first learned how to sharpen a knife it was edge trailing.  This is the way I’ve grown most comfortable sharpening and I can explain the benefits to sharpening this way.  I have also learned why some people prefer sharpening edge leading and I’ll explain what the differences are. 
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  • Sharpening, Honing and Stropping

    Sharpening, Honing and Stropping

    You may hear the words: “honing”, “stropping” or “sharpening” used almost interchangeably, but what is the difference between honing and sharpening?  What about honing and stropping?
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  • Leather Stropping in Knife Sharpening

    Leather Stropping in Knife Sharpening

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    But why is stropping an important part of knife sharpening? While stropping alone doesn’t sharpen, it does refine and complete a sharp edge.  Stropping is important for your blade for many reasons; it realigns the edge, burnishes, and abrades. 
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  • Finding the Correct Angle for Knife Sharpening

    Finding the Correct Angle for Knife Sharpening

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    When sharpening a knife or similar tool on a 1x30 belt sander, using the correct angle is a key factor to the outcome and functionality of the blade or tool’s edge.  You may be wondering what sharpening angle is ideal for your project and we’re here to help you decide.  
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